Sunrise Over Garden Valley

Sunrise Over Garden Valley
The deer watch an early morning sunrise above Garden Valley

Friday, June 17, 2011

Exterior Phase complete

As you can see, we are done with the exterior. We still have to put up the front porches, back patio, and the concrete approach, but other than that we are done working outside.

Things are still going well. Couldn't be going better, as far as I'm concerned. Everything is turning out great, our stress levels are still low, and we are well within our budget.

Now we shift our focus to the interior. Next up will be electrical, plumbing, HVAC, insulation and so on. I'll do my best to get good pictures, but it's hard to get a wide enough camera view inside most of the rooms. Although there will be a lot of progress, you probably won't be able to see much of it in the pictures.

Thank you for showing an interest in our project and in our website. Two months into construction, we've had over 1,300 page views, including 39 from 9 other countries, we have had companies thank us for the referral business this website has provided, and we currently have 16 households that are either followers of our blog or have requested email notifications each time we post an update. We will continue to work on regular updates and hope to keep you interested in what we are doing.

Please review our list of recommended companies and give them a chance to earn your business.

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