Sunrise Over Garden Valley

Sunrise Over Garden Valley
The deer watch an early morning sunrise above Garden Valley

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Business Recommendations

Remember, word of mouth is the most powerful tool for consumers and businesses. As you can see, we have had a couple hundred pageviews, even before we've begun construction. We anticipate several thousand views by the time construction is complete.

As part of our home construction process you will notice we give our honest opinions about companies we have had the fortune, or misfortune, doing business with. These reviews will be throughout the website, but our most strongly recommended companies will always appear on the front page under the label "recommended companies". We strongly encourage you to give your business to those companies that have gone out of their way to give us a great product and/or customer service. At the same time we also encourage you to steer clear of those businesses that have not given us their best. I can promise you, these reviews will be honest. Not all reviews will be positive. We feel stongly, that in order to maintain trust, we must also include negative reviews. (If you are a business receiving a negative review, we hope you take the opportunity to reassess your business practices and are able to earn our business at some point in the future)

When visiting one of our recommended businesses, please mention that we referred you. We even encourage you to give them our Blog Address so they can follow our progress. These businesses like to know when their company is getting free positive advertising. It also reminds them of the importance of great customer service and how wide and fast word can travel.

As I'm sure you've already noticed, we've already recommended companies like: Hetterle Construction, Washington Federal, Kevin Saylor Excavation, Bunnell's Overhead Door, and Rocky Road (rock, sand delivery). We are very proud to recommend these companies to you. Please give them a call when you are in need of their product/services.

We would like to mention two more companies, and with this, our first negative review.

Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse - (This review is for the Roseburg location only) Horrible customer service!!! Tried to give them our business during garage construction. You can walk through Lowe's for 10 mintues and not have a single employee acknowledge your existence. In fact, employees do everything they can to avoid you. It took me several minutes to chase down an employee. When I finally got their attention I was told it wasn't their department. I will do anything to avoid this store.

Home Depot - (This review is for the Roseburg location only) How can these two business be so oppisite. These people have it figured out. Great customer service!!! You can't walk through this store without at least three employees acknowledging you within five minutes. I encourage you to try it. Love this store! Look forward to giving them my business during construction. I do wish they had a more user friendly volume discount program, but that's the corporate office's shortfall, not the Roseburg Store's.

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