Sunrise Over Garden Valley

Sunrise Over Garden Valley
The deer watch an early morning sunrise above Garden Valley

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Slight Insurance Snag

Give us your Homeowner Insurance Provider recommendation...

It appears Farmer's Insurance is trying to take advantage of us. Farmer's knows we are unable to close our loan until we have homeowner's insurance. We are currently in the process of being annexed into the Douglas County Fire District (the fire district was great to work with, by the way). This process can take a couple of months to complete. We received a letter from the Douglas County Fire Marshall stating they have approved our application and that they would respond to all emergency calls while our application is processed.

Farmer's has decided to insure our property as if it has no fire/emergency coverage. This translates to a $2000 premium per year. RIDICULOUS, even if we didn't have fire/emergency coverage!!! They state they will reclassify the property at a later date and issue a refund, but have not provided a premium estimate to date. I guess this is the thanks we get for being loyal customers for 20 years. Let me be clear, the staff at Farmer's is great. We do not have a problem with our insurance agent, we have a problem with the company.

We are obviously shopping around for a new insurance provider for two houses, two cars, and seasonal coverage for the 5th wheel. Any recommendations would be appreciated. When we find a better provider, we will certainly spread the word.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you guys get switched to Bill Ankeny?!?! He is so much better for rates and coverage....we used to have Farmer's as well, and I do think they where taking advantage of us!!